
La Neta Söder


For­get pass­port con­trol! Step in­side La Neta Söder and be in­stant­ly trans­port­ed to a live­ly Mex­i­co City street scene. The col­or­ful dé­cor, up­beat mu­sic, and mouth­wa­ter­ing scent of fresh tor­tillas in­stant­ly set the scene. The menu is a deep dive into the di­verse fla­vors of Mex­i­co. We start­ed with a zingy ce­viche, the suc­cu­lent seafood prac­ti­cal­ly singing with bright cit­rus. For a taste of

au­then­tic street food, the tacos al pas­tor were a must - ten­der mar­i­nat­ed pork piled high with fresh pineap­ple. But La Neta Söder is more than just a restau­rant, it's an ex­pe­ri­ence. The pas­sion­ate staff clear­ly love shar­ing their food and cul­ture, guid­ing us through the menu and even rec­om­mend­ing the per­fect tequi­la pair­ings. A mem­o­rable and de­li­cious jour­ney, we left crav­ing more.

Opening hours
Monday11:00 - 21:00Tuesday11:00 - 21:00Wednesday11:00 - 21:00Thursday11:00 - 21:00Friday11:00 - 22:00Saturday00:00 - 22:00Sunday00:00 - 20:00