
La Mez­ca­le­ria Paris


Walk­ing into La Mez­ca­le­ria is like step­ping through a se­cret door­way. The dim­ly lit in­te­ri­or and cozy vibe in­stant­ly make you for­get the busy Parisian streets out­side. This is­n't just a bar, it's a sanc­tu­ary for mez­cal lovers, boast­ing an im­pres­sive se­lec­tion that wel­comes both cu­ri­ous new­com­ers and sea­soned afi­ciona­dos. We were im­me­di­ate­ly

tak­en by the easy­go­ing at­mos­phere and lost track of time ex­plor­ing their ex­ten­sive menu. The food, a de­light­ful ar­ray of small bites, com­ple­ment­ed the smoky, in­tri­cate fla­vors of the drinks per­fect­ly. La Mez­ca­le­ria is a true hid­den trea­sure, and we urge you to un­cov­er its mag­ic for an un­for­get­table and tru­ly spe­cial night out.

Opening hours
Monday18:00 - 01:00Tuesday18:00 - 01:00Wednesday18:00 - 01:00Thursday18:00 - 02:00Friday18:00 - 02:00Saturday18:00 - 02:00Sunday18:00 - 01:00