french restaurant

La Grille


En­ter­ing Bistrot La Grille is like stum­bling upon a hid­den Parisian gem, a feel­ing en­hanced by the barred win­dows, rem­nants of its for­mer life as a tax of­fice. This trendy neo-bistro greets you with a bustling am­biance. Their menu caters to the mod­ern Parisian palate, where tra­di­tion­al French recipes are giv­en a cre­ative, con­tem­po­rary spin. Af­ter a day spent dis­cov­er­ing the city, pull up a chair, ab­sorb the live­ly at­mos­phere, and sa­vor the fla­vors of mod­ern French cook­ing.
