italian restaurant

La Dot­ta Pas­ta Bar & Store (Thong Lo)


Tucked away in the bustling Thong Lo dis­trict, La Dot­ta Pas­ta Bar & Store is a haven for pas­ta lovers. As you step in­side, you'll be greet­ed by the warm aro­ma of fresh­ly made pas­ta and the vi­brant en­er­gy of the open kitchen. The cozy and invit­ing at­mos­phere makes it the per­fect spot for a ca­su­al din­ing ex­pe­ri­ence. The menu fea­tures a tan­ta­liz­ing ar­ray of clas­sic and in­no­v­a­tive pas­ta dish­es. From tra­di­tion­al car­bonara to unique cre­ations like the spicy 'n­du­ja riga­toni, there's

some­thing to sat­is­fy every palate. The pas­ta is cooked to per­fec­tion, al dente with a slight bite, and gen­er­ous­ly topped with de­lec­table sauces. But La Dot­ta is more than just a pas­ta bar. It also boasts a well-stocked store where you can pur­chase a wide se­lec­tion of ar­ti­sanal pas­ta, sauces, and in­gre­di­ents to recre­ate your fa­vorite dish­es at home. With its wel­com­ing at­mos­phere, ex­cep­tion­al cui­sine, and pas­sion­ate staff, La Dot­ta Pas­ta Bar & Store is a must-vis­it for any pas­ta en­thu­si­ast in Bangkok.

Price point
Opening hours
Monday11:00 - 14:3017:00 - 22:00Tuesday11:00 - 14:3017:00 - 22:00Wednesday11:00 - 14:3017:00 - 22:00Thursday11:00 - 14:3017:00 - 22:00Friday11:00 - 14:3017:00 - 22:00Saturday11:00 - 14:3017:00 - 22:00Sunday11:00 - 14:3017:00 - 22:00