
La Dame de Can­ton


La Dame de Can­ton is more than just a con­cert hall—it's an ad­ven­ture for the sens­es. Sit­u­at­ed on the Seine's edge, this cap­ti­vat­ing venue pulls you in with its blend of mu­si­cal gen­res and elec­tric en­er­gy. We spent an evening en­joy­ing per­for­mances from a range of artists, all while sam­pling the un­ex­pect­ed­ly tasty dish­es on of­fer. With its con­tem­po­rary de­sign and un­beat­able lo­ca­tion, La Dame de Can­ton is the ide­al set­ting for an ex­tra­or­di­nary night out. Whether you're a mu­sic lover or just search­ing for a Parisian ex­pe­ri­ence un­like any oth­er, this place won't dis­ap­point.

Price point
Opening hours
MondayClosedTuesday19:00 - 12:00Wednesday19:00 - 12:00Thursday19:00 - 12:00Friday19:00 - 12:00Saturday19:00 - 12:00SundayClosed