
La Con­tre Al­lée


Find­ing a restau­rant that feels au­then­ti­cal­ly Parisian, with both charm and de­li­cious food, can feel like a chal­lenge. At La Con­tre Al­lée, you’ll find ex­act­ly that. Lo­cat­ed on Av­enue Den­fert Rochere­au, this bustling bistro wel­comes you in with the warmth of a fa­mil­iar place. The menu, boast­ing fresh, mar­ket-dri­ven cui­sine, changes dai­ly, so there’s al­ways some­thing new to try. Whether you're stop­ping in for a quick lunch or a lin­ger­ing din­ner, La Con­tre Al­lée of­fers a true taste of Parisian din­ing.
