
La Ca­sita Mex­i­cana


Walk­ing into La Ca­sita Mex­i­cana, the first thing that hits you is the mouth­wa­ter­ing smell of fa­ji­tas siz­zling in the kitchen. This Los An­ge­les eatery is a fa­vorite for a rea­son – it of­fers a real taste of Mex­i­co with­out any pre­tense. We de­voured the "Car­ni­tas Tacos" – imag­ine three tor­tillas over­flow­ing with ten­der, slow-cooked pork car­ni­tas. But the "En­chi­ladas Verdes"

were a rev­e­la­tion: chick­en or cheese-filled corn tor­tillas swim­ming in a tangy green tomatil­lo sauce and topped with melt­ed cheese. The ser­vice is warm and gen­uine, mak­ing sure you're en­joy­ing every bite. Whether you're grab­bing a quick lunch, catch­ing up with friends, or look­ing for a full-blown Mex­i­can fi­es­ta, La Ca­sita Mex­i­cana will stay with you long af­ter the last bite.

Price point
Opening hours
MondayClosedWednesday09:00 - 22:00Thursday09:00 - 22:00Tuesday09:00 - 22:00Friday09:00 - 23:00Saturday09:00 - 23:00Sunday09:00 - 23:00