
La Belle Hort­ense


The mys­te­ri­ous trea­sure lo­ca­tion is en­tic­ing due to its unique blend of lit­er­a­ture and al­co­holic bev­er­ages. The books and wines on of­fer have been thought­ful­ly se­lect­ed to cre­ate a cozy and cap­ti­vat­ing en­vi­ron­ment. Im­merse your­self in a great read while sip­ping on a de­li­cious glass of wine at this hid­den gem. The as­sort­ment of

books and wines is im­pres­sive, al­low­ing you to in­dulge in the plea­sures of wine tast­ing and lit­er­ary ex­plo­ration. This haven in the Marais area is a gen­uine trea­sure, per­fect for those look­ing for a peace­ful re­treat. The book­shop and wine bar are charm­ing and re­lax­ing, fea­tur­ing a care­ful­ly cu­rat­ed col­lec­tion of books and wines.

Price point
Opening hours
MondayClosedTuesdayClosedWednesday17:30 - 02:00Thursday17:30 - 02:00Friday17:30 - 02:00Saturday17:30 - 02:00Sunday17:30 - 02:00