


Step­ping into Kvar­nen felt like step­ping back in time. The well-worn wood­en booths, bathed in the soft light of gaslight-style lamps, gave the place a wel­com­ing, his­tor­i­cal feel. Found­ed in 1908, this Stock­holm land­mark prac­ti­cal­ly hums with the mem­o­ries of count­less meals and live­ly dis­cus­sions. Though the lunch and din­ner menus tempt­ed us, we

could­n't re­sist the pull of their fa­mous brunch. Every mouth­ful was a tasty homage to tra­di­tion­al Swedish cui­sine, demon­strat­ing ex­act­ly why Kvar­nen has en­dured as a beloved gath­er­ing spot for over a cen­tu­ry. It's more than a place to eat; it's a tan­gi­ble con­nec­tion to the city's past and a must-vis­it for any vis­i­tor.

Price point
Opening hours
Monday11:00 - 12:00Tuesday11:00 - 12:00Saturday11:30 - 03:00Sunday11:30 - 23:00Wednesday11:00 - 03:00Thursday11:00 - 03:00Friday11:00 - 03:00