american restaurant

KRUBB Tele­fon­plan


Come vis­it KRUBB, a small and charm­ing space fea­tur­ing a sin­gle bed­room and kitchen. The at­mos­phere is cozy and com­fort­able, mak­ing guests and staff feel at home and as one. Our goal is to cre­ate a space where peo­ple can come to­geth­er to sa­vor de­li­cious food and drinks at rea­son­able prices. Our out­door court­yard is made of beau­ti­ful cob­ble­stone and pro­vides a per­fect spot for re­lax­ing and so­cial­iz­ing. Stop by for lunch or soak up the af­ter­noon sun while sa­vor­ing a juicy burg­er un­der the cool shade of a chest­nut tree.

Price point