event venue



Cafe KOKO is not just a place to en­joy scrump­tious New York-style piz­za and drinks deep into the night. It has a dis­tin­guished rep­u­ta­tion as a vi­brant, mu­si­cal hub in the heart of Cam­den. Over the years, it has at­tract­ed some of the most tal­ent­ed mu­si­cians and DJs, and has host­ed themed club nights

and un­for­get­table events. With its im­pres­sive struc­ture and fas­ci­nat­ing past, this mu­sic venue is a cher­ished des­ti­na­tion for mu­sic lovers seek­ing ex­clu­sive per­for­mances, ex­cep­tion­al club nights, and un­par­al­leled ex­pe­ri­ences. It is a mag­nif­i­cent mu­sic venue sit­u­at­ed in Cam­den with an il­lus­tri­ous his­to­ry where top-notch artists and DJs per­form, along­side club nights and spe­cial events.

Opening hours
Monday19:00 - 23:30Tuesday19:00 - 23:30Wednesday09:00 - 23:30Thursday09:00 - 23:30Friday11:00 - 05:00Saturday11:00 - 05:00Sunday19:00 - 23:30