
Kite Hill


Kite Hill is more than just a name; it's a promise of a per­fect day out. The gen­tle slopes are an open in­vi­ta­tion to leisure­ly walks and fam­i­ly pic­nics, while the steady breeze at the top makes it a haven for kite fly­ers. The views from the sum­mit are sim­ply breath­tak­ing,

of­fer­ing a sweep­ing panora­ma of the sur­round­ing coun­try­side. It's no won­der that pho­tog­ra­phers and na­ture en­thu­si­asts flock here to cap­ture its beau­ty. Through­out the year, Kite Hill comes alive with com­mu­ni­ty events and vi­brant kite fes­ti­vals that draw crowds from all over, adding a fes­tive touch to the al­ready joy­ful at­mos­phere.

Opening hours
Monday05:00 - 12:00Tuesday05:00 - 12:00Wednesday05:00 - 12:00Thursday05:00 - 12:00Friday05:00 - 12:00Saturday05:00 - 12:00Sunday05:00 - 12:00