
Kimp­ton Ever­ly Ho­tel


Pre­pare to be el­e­vat­ed! The Kimp­ton Ever­ly Ho­tel in Los An­ge­les is a haven of so­phis­ti­cat­ed style and play­ful charm. Step in­side and be greet­ed by a vi­brant lob­by fea­tur­ing a stun­ning chan­de­lier that re­sem­bles a bloom­ing flower. The guest rooms are equal­ly im­pres­sive, boast­ing floor-to-ceil­ing win­dows of­fer­ing breath­tak­ing views of the city sky­line. In­dulge in culi­nary de­lights at the hotel's sig­na­ture restau­rant, Jane Q, where in­no­v­a­tive dish­es and craft cock­tails de­light your palate. For a more ca­su­al bite, head to the rooftop bar, Ever­ly, where you can sip on ex­quis­ite drinks while tak­ing in panoram­ic views. With its ex­cep­tion­al ameni­ties, in­clud­ing a rooftop pool and a state-of-the-art fit­ness cen­ter, the Kimp­ton Ever­ly Ho­tel of­fers a lux­u­ri­ous es­cape in the heart of LA's vi­brant Hol­ly­wood neigh­bor­hood.

Price point