
Kelsey Park


Kelsey Park in Lewisham is a breath of fresh air, a green es­cape from the city's en­er­gy. Wan­der­ing through its well-kept lawns, bird­song fills the air, along with the del­i­cate fra­grance of flow­ers in bloom. Tow­er­ing, ma­ture trees of­fer cool shade when the sun is high. A pic­turesque lake, alive with ac­tiv­i­ty, adds a sense of peace­ful­ness to the scenery. Whether you're af­ter a mo­ment of qui­et re­flec­tion, a leisure­ly pic­nic, or sim­ply to soak in the beau­ty of na­ture, Kelsey Park is an ide­al spot for a tran­quil get­away.

Price point
Opening hours
Monday07:30 - 21:30Tuesday07:30 - 21:30Wednesday07:30 - 21:30Thursday07:30 - 21:30Friday07:30 - 21:30Saturday09:00 - 21:30Sunday09:00 - 21:30