
Kaya Spa


Kaya Spa ex­udes lux­u­ry and seren­i­ty in the vi­brant city of Siem Reap. Step into its el­e­gant sanc­tu­ary and be greet­ed by sooth­ing aro­mas and tran­quil am­biance. Dim light­ing and plush fur­nish­ings cre­ate an in­ti­mate and invit­ing at­mos­phere. Each treat­ment room is de­signed to pro­vide ut­most com­fort and pri­va­cy. Sink into soft mas­sage ta­bles as skilled ther­a­pists ex­pert­ly work their mag­ic, leav­ing you feel­ing ut­ter­ly re­laxed and re­ju­ve­nat­ed. The spa menu

of­fers a wide ar­ray of treat­ments, from tra­di­tion­al Khmer mas­sages to fa­cials and body wraps. In­dulge in a sig­na­ture mas­sage that com­bines an­cient tech­niques with aro­mat­ic oils, trans­port­ing you to a state of bliss. Af­ter your treat­ment, un­wind in the serene re­lax­ation area, sip­ping on herbal tea and in­dulging in lo­cal del­i­ca­cies. Kaya Spa's ex­cep­tion­al ser­vice and metic­u­lous at­ten­tion to de­tail will leave an un­for­get­table mark on your stay in Siem Reap.
