massage spa

Kaoni Spa Bou­tique & Nails


Kaoni Spa Bou­tique & Nails, an oa­sis of tran­quil­i­ty in the bustling city of Barcelona, in­vites you to es­cape into a realm of re­lax­ation and in­dul­gence. Step in­side and be en­veloped by an el­e­gant am­biance, where styl­ish decor, soft light­ing, and sooth­ing mu­sic cre­ate a sanc­tu­ary for re­ju­ve­na­tion. High­ly skilled ther­a­pists of­fer a menu of re­ju­ve­nat­ing spa treat­ments tai­lored to your needs. From lux­u­ri­ous fa­cials that re­vi­tal­ize your skin to mas­sages that melt away ten­sion, each ex­pe­ri­ence is de­signed to leave you feel­ing re­freshed and ut­ter­ly pam­pered.

Opening hours
Monday10:00 - 21:00Tuesday10:00 - 21:00Wednesday10:00 - 21:00Thursday10:00 - 21:00Friday10:00 - 21:00Saturday10:00 - 20:00SundayClosed