


Kalaset is a true Copen­hagen gem, ra­di­at­ing a warm, invit­ing en­er­gy that draws you in. Imag­ine start­ing your day with a de­light­ful break­fast spread, fu­el­ing up for a day of ex­plor­ing the city's charm. As evening de­scends, their unique cock­tails beck­on, promis­ing an un­for­get­table night with friends. The at­mos­phere is in­cred­i­bly cozy, mak­ing you feel in­stant­ly at

ease, while the ex­cep­tion­al food will have you plan­ning your re­turn vis­it be­fore you even leave. Their menu, a trib­ute to Scan­di­na­vian cul­ture, of­fers a unique culi­nary ad­ven­ture. Kalaset is more than just a cafe and bar; it's an ex­pe­ri­ence, a place to sa­vor de­li­cious food, con­nect with friends, and soak in the gen­uine Copen­hagen vibe.

Price point
Opening hours
Monday10:00 - 12:00Tuesday10:00 - 12:00Wednesday10:00 - 12:00Thursday10:00 - 12:00Friday10:00 - 02:00Saturday10:00 - 02:00Sunday10:00 - 17:00