
Kai­ley's Restau­rant


Crav­ing au­then­tic Cen­tral Amer­i­can fla­vors in LA? Look no fur­ther than Kai­ley's Restau­rant. This gem of­fers a de­li­cious jour­ney for your taste­buds with its blend of Mex­i­can and Sal­vado­ran cuisines. We're talk­ing fla­vor­ful pu­pusas, hearty cal­dos, per­fect­ly fried plan­tains, and sa­vory muli­tas. Don't miss out on the sopes, tor­tas, or tamales ei­ther! From clas­sic yuca con chicharon to sat­is­fy­ing chi­laquiles, Kai­ley's menu is a tes­ta­ment to the di­verse culi­nary her­itage of the re­gion, of­fer­ing some­thing for every­one at your ta­ble.
