tibetan restaurant

Kailash Ti­betan Restau­rant


Step­ping into Kailash Ti­betan Restau­rant is like step­ping into a lit­tle slice of Ti­bet, right in Barcelona. The wel­com­ing at­mos­phere and friend­ly faces im­me­di­ate­ly put you at ease. We can see why they've earned a five-star rat­ing! The menu is a de­li­cious jour­ney through tra­di­tion­al Ti­betan cui­sine. We could­n't re­sist try­ing

the mo­mos, which were burst­ing with fla­vor, and the fra­grant noo­dle soup was the per­fect com­fort food. Every dish we sam­pled was clear­ly made with fresh, high-qual­i­ty in­gre­di­ents and a whole lot of care. If you're search­ing for a unique and de­li­cious meal in Barcelona, Kailash Ti­betan Restau­rant is an ab­solute must-try.
