night club

Juicy (Live Mu­sic)


Juicy is a Bangkok culi­nary ex­pe­ri­ence that de­lights the sens­es. The mod­ern, chic in­te­ri­or wel­comes you with lush green­ery and am­bi­ent light­ing, set­ting the stage for a sym­pho­ny of fla­vors. The menu bursts with con­tem­po­rary Thai cui­sine, fea­tur­ing art­ful­ly craft­ed dish­es made with lo­cal in­gre­di­ents. The Tom Yum with prawns is a

must-try, a de­light­ful bal­ance of sweet, sour, and spicy notes. For a lux­u­ri­ous ex­pe­ri­ence, try the sig­na­ture Lob­ster Pad Thai, a unique twist on a clas­sic, fea­tur­ing ten­der lob­ster meat. As you en­joy each bite, soak in the en­er­getic pulse of Bangkok, where the city's rhythm har­mo­nizes with the de­li­cious fla­vors on your plate.

Opening hours
Monday20:00 - 02:00Tuesday20:00 - 02:00Wednesday20:00 - 02:00Thursday20:00 - 02:00Friday20:00 - 02:00Saturday20:00 - 02:00Sunday20:00 - 02:00