jewelry store

Joy­ería Piña-Grau


Step­ping into Joy­ería Piña-Grau felt like en­ter­ing a trea­sure chest. Dis­plays shim­mered with beau­ti­ful pieces, each one show­cas­ing im­pres­sive crafts­man­ship. From sim­ple gold neck­laces to mod­ern sil­ver de­signs, the shop boasts a wide se­lec­tion, with a spe­cial fo­cus on hand­craft­ed jew­el­ry fea­tur­ing Mal­lor­can pearls. The staff's pas­sion for their craft was ev­i­dent, of­fer­ing help­ful and per­son­al­ized ad­vice to every­one brows­ing the col­lec­tion. Whether you're look­ing for a spe­cial me­men­to or an un­for­get­table gift, Joy­ería Piña-Grau is a must-stop for any­one who ap­pre­ci­ates fine jew­el­ry while vis­it­ing Pal­ma.

Opening hours
Monday10:00 - 20:00Tuesday10:00 - 20:00Wednesday10:00 - 20:00Thursday10:00 - 20:00Friday10:00 - 20:00Saturday10:00 - 14:00SundayClosed