turkish restaurant

Iz­gara Restau­rant Finch­ley


Walk­ing into Iz­gara Restau­rant in Finch­ley, you're en­veloped by the tempt­ing scents of grilling meats and bak­ing bread, a sure sign of the tasty ex­pe­ri­ence to come. The din­ing room, with its dis­tinct Turk­ish style, has a dy­nam­ic at­mos­phere rem­i­nis­cent of Is­tan­bul. The menu boasts a va­ri­ety of tra­di­tion­al Turk­ish plates, each of­fer­ing a de­light­ful blend of tastes and tex­tures. From the ten­der lamb shish to the fla­vor­ful kofte, each bite is a true rep­re­sen­ta­tion of Turkey's rich culi­nary tra­di­tions. More than a place to eat, Iz­gara Restau­rant Finch­ley is a cul­tur­al ex­pe­ri­ence, trans­port­ing you to the heart of Turk­ish cook­ing.

Price point