
iWOK asian street food


For­get the fan­cy sit-down din­ner – some­times you just crave the de­li­cious en­er­gy of street food. En­ter iWOK, your go-to spot in Sevran for a quick and fla­vor­ful Thai food fix. No need to dress up – sim­ply call ahead or or­der on­line through their easy-to-use web­site de­signed by Des-click, and get ready to dive into a world of fla­vor. From clas­sic pad thai to spicy cur­ries, iWOK brings the heat (lit­er­al­ly) with their au­then­tic Thai dish­es. It's the per­fect choice for a ca­su­al lunch or a sat­is­fy­ing din­ner de­liv­ered straight to your door.
