
Isla del Sol Apart­ments


Just a stone's throw from the ac­tion of Pal­ma de Mal­lor­ca, the Isla del Sol Apart­ments of­fer a re­lax­ing sea­side es­cape. Imag­ine wak­ing up to the sound of waves and en­joy­ing break­fast on your pri­vate bal­cony over­look­ing the Mediter­ranean. The apart­ments are sim­ply but com­fort­ably fur­nished, pro­vid­ing every­thing you need for a care­free hol­i­day.

Spend your days loung­ing by the sparkling pool, tak­ing a dip in the crys­tal-clear ocean, or ex­plor­ing the near­by charm­ing town of Can Pastil­la with its nu­mer­ous restau­rants and shops. Isla del Sol Apart­ments are a per­fect choice for those seek­ing a blend of re­lax­ation and con­ve­nience on their Mal­lor­can get­away.
