
Irv­ing Farm HQ & The Loft


Crav­ing a caf­feine boost with a side of breath­tak­ing views? Irv­ing Far­m's HQ & The Loft is call­ing your name. Lo­cat­ed with­in the Olympic Tow­er's lob­by, this cof­fee shop boasts an un­par­al­leled panora­ma of the mag­nif­i­cent St. Patrick­'s Cathe­dral. Sim­ply cross 51st Street on 5th Av­enue, and you'll prac­ti­cal­ly trip over this hid­den trea­sure. Se­cure your cof­fee, set­tle into a cozy nook, and sa­vor the bustling at­mos­phere along­side a serv­ing of ar­chi­tec­tur­al grandeur.
