
In­tel­li­gentsia Cof­fee High Line Ho­tel Cof­fee­bar


Walk­ing into In­tel­li­gentsia Cof­fee at the High Line Ho­tel is like stum­bling upon a se­cret oa­sis. The scent of fresh­ly roast­ed cof­fee beans hits you in­stant­ly, beck­on­ing you clos­er. An ex­pan­sive menu of­fers the per­fect pick-me-up for every­one, from se­ri­ous cof­fee con­nois­seurs to those just need­ing a quick jolt. Once you've

got your drink, es­cape to one of the peace­ful out­door ar­eas and sa­vor every last drop. If your ad­ven­tures take you to­ward Her­ald Square, their oth­er lo­ca­tion of­fers a con­trast­ing ex­pe­ri­ence. The sleek, in­dus­tri­al-chic aes­thet­ic makes it an ide­al place to grab a fast espres­so and pas­try on your way out the door.

Price point