software company

Il­lu­sion Labs AB


We use both en­gi­neer­ing and artistry to cre­ate unique, en­joy­able pieces of work. Our ar­eas of ex­per­tise in­clude graph­ic de­sign, physics sim­u­la­tion, and in­no­v­a­tive forms of in­ter­ac­tion such as ac­celerom­e­ters and mul­ti-touch.\n\nIl­lu­sion Labs pro­duces all of its work in-house and does not take on con­tract projects.\n\nCheck out all of Il­lu­sion Lab­s' games on the App­Store: https:\/\/itunes.ap­\/us\/de­vel­op­er\/il­lu­sion-labs\/id297694604\nand on Google Play: \nhttps:\/\/\/store\/apps\/dev?id=7495700166596495310\n\nFound­ed in the fall of 2007, Il­lu­sion Labs is sit­u­at­ed in Malmö, Swe­den - just a short dis­tance from Copen­hagen, Den­mark.
