italian restaurant

Il Cav­a­liere


Il Cav­a­liere, lo­cat­ed in the so­phis­ti­cat­ed Bel­gravia neigh­bor­hood, of­fers a re­fined Ital­ian es­cape. The restau­rant draws in­spi­ra­tion from grand Ital­ian ar­chi­tec­ture, with its in­te­ri­ors fea­tur­ing pol­ished dark wood, plush fab­rics, and sparkling chan­de­liers. The menu is just as im­pres­sive, pre­sent­ing an ar­ray of tra­di­tion­al and mod­ern Ital­ian cui­sine, all pre­pared with the high­est qual­i­ty sea­son­al in­gre­di­ents.

Opening hours
Monday18:30 - 22:30Tuesday18:30 - 22:30Wednesday18:30 - 22:30Thursday18:30 - 22:30Friday18:30 - 22:30Saturday18:30 - 22:30SundayClosed