
Ik­ibana Par­al·lel | Restau­rante fusión japone­sa-brasileña


Ik­ibana Para­le­lo, a bo­hemi­an es­cape in Barcelon­a's Poble Sec neigh­bor­hood, charmed us with its mag­i­cal am­biance. The cozy bar, decked out with eclec­tic dé­cor and art, sets the scene for en­gag­ing con­ver­sa­tions and unique sen­so­ry ex­pe­ri­ences. Every care­ful­ly con­struct­ed cock­tail is an ex­plo­sion of taste, tan­ta­liz­ing your palate with each sip. The friend­ly and invit­ing at­mos­phere sur­rounds you with the city's live­ly spir­it, mak­ing you feel com­plete­ly at ease. As you rel­ish your drink, the rhyth­mic clink­ing of glass­es pro­vides a cap­ti­vat­ing melody to your evening, con­firm­ing Ik­ibana Para­le­lo as a hid­den trea­sure in Barcelon­a's ex­cit­ing nightlife.

Opening hours
Monday18:00 - 12:00Tuesday18:00 - 12:00Wednesday18:00 - 12:00Thursday18:00 - 12:00Friday18:00 - 12:00Saturday13:00 - 12:30Sunday13:00 - 12:30