water skiing service

ICF Wake Park


Tired of tem­ples? Ditch the crowds and dive into a day of aquat­ic thrills at ICF Wake Park. This awe­some spot blends high-oc­tane wake­board­ing with a laid-back beach vibe. Whether you're a to­tal new­bie or a sea­soned pro, their top-of-the-line ca­ble sys­tem (cour­tesy of Wakeparx) will have you carv­ing through the wa­ter. Chal­lenge your­self on ob­sta­cles de­signed by Unit Park­tech, or sim­ply

en­joy the ride and soak up some Cam­bo­di­an rays. Af­ter your wake­board­ing ses­sion, head to the on­site bar and restau­rant (run by none oth­er than ICF Wake Park Restau­rant). Re­fu­el with some tasty food and drinks, and soak up the en­er­getic at­mos­phere. It's the per­fect place to es­cape the usu­al tourist scene and find a unique bal­ance of ex­cite­ment and pure chill.
