
Howl­in' Ray's Hot Chick­en - Chi­na­town


Get ready for a taste bud ex­plo­sion at Howl­in' Ray's Hot Chick­en in Los An­ge­les. This straight­for­ward restau­rant is crazy pop­u­lar for its de­li­cious Nashville-style hot chick­en. Pick your heat lev­el care­ful­ly - they range from mild to "Howl­in'" - and en­joy the per­fect­ly fried chick­en cov­ered in a se­cret,

spicy blend of sea­son­ings. Com­plete your meal with some clas­sic sides like coleslaw, pota­to sal­ad, or mac and cheese. The shared ta­bles and fun at­mos­phere make Howl­in' Ray's a great place to en­joy a ca­su­al and tasty meal. Just a tip: grab a bot­tle of wa­ter to tame the fire!

Price point
Opening hours
MondayClosedTuesdayClosedWednesday11:00 - 19:00Thursday11:00 - 19:00Friday11:00 - 19:00Saturday11:00 - 19:00Sunday11:00 - 19:00