tourist attraction

House of Dreams Mu­se­um


Stephen Wright's House of Dreams Mu­se­um in East Dul­wich re­de­fines what a mu­se­um can be. Imag­ine a space that's equal parts home and art in­stal­la­tion, where dis­card­ed ob­jects are re­born as art. Wright has metic­u­lous­ly cu­rat­ed his dis­tinc­tive, in­ter­con­nect­ed home, turn­ing it into a haven for over­looked items. Each

piece is giv­en new life and mean­ing through his artis­tic vi­sion. Pre­pare to be en­chant­ed by a whim­si­cal uni­verse where imag­i­na­tion knows no bounds and sur­pris­ing finds await around every cor­ner. Due to its un­con­ven­tion­al na­ture, this mu­se­um ex­pe­ri­ence is only open on spe­cif­ic dates, so for­ward plan­ning is es­sen­tial.

Opening hours
MondayClosedTuesdayClosedWednesdayClosedThursdayClosedFridayClosedSaturday09:30 - 17:00SundayClosed