Ho­tel YAN


Ho­tel YAN is­n't just a place to sleep; it's an ex­pe­ri­ence. The de­sign ef­fort­less­ly com­bines in­dus­tri­al chic with lo­cal her­itage – think ex­posed brick walls and pol­ished con­crete floors along­side care­ful­ly cu­rat­ed Sin­ga­pore­an touch­es. The lo­ca­tion, right be­tween Kam­pong Glam and Lit­tle In­dia, throws you right into the mix of cul­tures. The rooftop ter­race is per­fect for catch­ing your breath af­ter a day ex­plor­ing the city, with in­cred­i­ble panoram­ic views. And when hunger strikes, the ho­tel restau­rant serves up de­li­cious lo­cal fla­vors. Hon­est­ly, every bite was a lit­tle taste of Sin­ga­pore's amaz­ing food scene.
