
Ho­tel Palau Sa Font


Walk­ing through the arched door­way of Palau Sa Font, lo­cat­ed on a charm­ing cob­ble­stone street in his­toric Pal­ma de Mal­lor­ca, is like tak­ing a mag­i­cal step back in time. This unique spa ho­tel, sit­u­at­ed with­in a beau­ti­ful­ly re­stored his­toric palace, seam­less­ly blends old-world charm with mod­ern com­forts, of­fer­ing a peace­ful re­treat from dai­ly life. Imag­ine spend­ing an af­ter­noon in the sleek and con­tem­po­rary spa, se­lect­ing from a

menu of en­tic­ing treat­ments. A re­ju­ve­nat­ing mas­sage, re­vi­tal­iz­ing fa­cial, or sooth­ing body wrap will leave you feel­ing re­freshed and in­vig­o­rat­ed. As dusk set­tles, step onto your pri­vate ter­race and let the cap­ti­vat­ing sounds of Pal­ma ease you into a tran­quil state of mind. Palau Sa Font pro­vides an ex­clu­sive op­por­tu­ni­ty to ex­pe­ri­ence the al­lure of Mal­lor­ca, sur­round­ed by his­to­ry, art, and a sense of time­less peace.
