Ho­tel NuVe Stel­lar, Far­rer Park


Ho­tel NuVe Stel­lar is a chic and com­fort­able es­cape in the en­er­getic Far­rer Park neigh­bor­hood. A short walk from the Far­rer Park MRT sta­tion puts you with­in easy reach of Sin­ga­pore's best sights. Rooms are de­signed for the mod­ern trav­el­er, fea­tur­ing sleek fur­nish­ings and thought­ful ameni­ties for a tru­ly rest­ful stay. But the ho­tel of­fers more than just styl­ish ac­com­mo­da­tions. Their

rooftop swim­ming pool and sun­deck are a wel­come re­treat, where you can en­joy a re­fresh­ing dip while tak­ing in panoram­ic city views, or sim­ply un­wind un­der the warm Sin­ga­pore sun. A well-equipped gym is also avail­able for those look­ing to stay ac­tive. This blend of com­fort, con­ve­nience, and prime lo­ca­tion makes Ho­tel NuVe Stel­lar a great choice for leisure and busi­ness trav­el­ers alike.

nuvegroup.com.sg+65 6426 0999