
Ho­tel Hostal Cuba


Don't just stay at Ho­tel Hostal Cuba – tru­ly im­merse your­self in the ex­pe­ri­ence! This four-star bou­tique ho­tel is home to an en­er­getic bar that at­tracts a mix of in­ter­na­tion­al trav­el­ers and Pal­ma res­i­dents. Ditch the on­line book­ing and give them a ring – their renowned mo­ji­tos are best en­joyed first­hand. Each sip is like a mini es­cape to Cuba, brim­ming with au­then­tic is­land fla­vors. The am­biance is live­ly yet invit­ing, mak­ing you feel like a lo­cal, even if you're miles away from your own city.
