Ho­tel Flor Parks


Step into Ho­tel Flor Parks, a mod­ern haven in the heart of Barcelona. Just steps away from the icon­ic La Ram­bla, this charm­ing ho­tel ofrece styl­ish ac­com­mo­da­tions and a con­ve­nient base for ex­plor­ing the city's count­less at­trac­tions. The hotel's rooms are de­signed with com­fort in mind. Each room fea­tures air con­di­tion­ing, a flat-screen TV, and free Wi-Fi. Some rooms also of­fer bal­conies with stun­ning city views. Start your day with a de­li­cious break­fast in the hotel's bright din­ing room. Lat­er,

re­lax with a drink or a bite to eat on the rooftop ter­race, which of­fers panoram­ic vis­tas of Barcelona. Sip on a cock­tail as you watch the sun sink be­low the hori­zon, cre­at­ing a mag­i­cal am­biance. Ho­tel Flor Parks is an ide­al choice for trav­el­ers seek­ing a com­fort­able and con­ve­nient ho­tel in the heart of Barcelona. Its prime lo­ca­tion and styl­ish ac­com­mo­da­tions make it a great base for ex­plor­ing the city's rich cul­ture, vi­brant culi­nary scene, and world-renowned ar­chi­tec­ture.

Price point