Ho­tel Fe­liz


"Mi casa es su casa" – you'll un­der­stand the true mean­ing of this Span­ish phrase at Ho­tel Fe­liz. This place ra­di­ates hap­pi­ness, re­lax­ation, and en­joy­ment from the mo­ment you ar­rive. Pic­ture your­self greet­ed by a charm­ing ter­race, com­plete with a re­fresh­ing plunge pool and invit­ing daybeds. As the day winds down, head to the rooftop sun ter­race, where you can soak up the last rays from plush loungers or cozy lounge suites – a good book and a re­fresh­ing drink op­tion­al, but high­ly rec­om­mend­ed. For the ul­ti­mate in­dul­gence, take a dip

in the rooftop plunge pool and soak in the breath­tak­ing 360-de­gree view of Pal­ma. If you're look­ing for some pam­per­ing, treat your­self to a body treat­ment or un­wind in the sauna, both of­fer­ing stun­ning panoram­ic views of the sea. And if you're feel­ing a bit more ac­tive, the near­by area of­fers op­por­tu­ni­ties for sail­ing, ten­nis, and even golf at one of Mal­lor­ca's 23 cours­es. But for a tru­ly re­ju­ve­nat­ing ex­pe­ri­ence, in­dulge in a mas­sage, fa­cial, or body wrap at the ho­tel spa – a styl­ish sanc­tu­ary ded­i­cat­ed to your well-be­ing.
