
Ho­tel Eu­ropark


Ho­tel Eu­ropark, a styl­ish ho­tel lo­cat­ed a stone's throw from Las Ram­blas, per­fect­ly em­bod­ies the en­er­gy of Barcelona. Don't let the mod­ern ex­te­ri­or fool you - in­side, a warm and wel­com­ing at­mos­phere awaits. Rooms are spa­cious and dec­o­rat­ed with a chic sim­plic­i­ty, of­fer­ing a wel­come respite af­ter a day spent ex­plor­ing the city. The large

win­dows, span­ning from floor to ceil­ing, bathe the rooms in nat­ur­al light and of­fer breath­tak­ing views of Barcelon­a's unique ar­chi­tec­ture. Sit­u­at­ed in a prime lo­ca­tion, Ho­tel Eu­ropark al­lows for easy ac­cess to the many must-see sights of the city, mak­ing it a per­fect choice for trav­ellers seek­ing a com­fort­able stay in the mid­dle of the ac­tion.
