
Hô­tel De­sign Sor­bonne


For­get those tired tourist spots, the Hô­tel De­sign Sor­bonne puts you right in the mid­dle of the real Paris. Icon­ic lo­ca­tions like the Pan­theon, Saint Ger­main des Prés, and the Latin Quar­ter are just steps from the ho­tel, giv­ing you that true Parisian ex­pe­ri­ence im­me­di­ate­ly. Mak­ing your ex­plo­rations even bet­ter are the hotel's on­go­ing pro­mo­tions that let you stretch your trav­el bud­get fur­ther. Want the ab­solute best rates? By­pass those third-par­ty book­ing sites and go straight to the ho­tel web­site – you'll be hap­py you did when you see how much you save!
