
Ho­tel Cort


Step­ping into Ho­tel Cort in Pal­ma's his­toric La Lon­ja dis­trict is like step­ping back in time. This 19th-cen­tu­ry palace beau­ti­ful­ly blends mod­ern com­forts with its pe­ri­od ar­chi­tec­ture. The grand foy­er opens onto a peace­ful court­yard, where the gen­tle sound of the cen­tral foun­tain mix­es with the sweet scent of or­ange trees. Rooms are chic and wel­com­ing, and

some even have bal­conies over­look­ing this tran­quil oa­sis. As evening de­scends, head up to the rooftop ter­race for a pre-din­ner cock­tail, or en­joy de­li­cious Mal­lor­can food at the ground-floor restau­rant. The hotel's per­fect lo­ca­tion puts you with­in easy reach of Pal­ma's his­tor­i­cal gems, with the ma­jes­tic cathe­dral and the an­cient Arab Baths only a short walk away.
