Ho­tel Cat­alo­nia Castell­nou


Barcelona’s Cat­alo­nia Castell­nou Ho­tel is a styl­ish refuge from the city's en­er­gy. The staff’s warm wel­come im­me­di­ate­ly puts you at ease. Es­cape to the hotel's rooftop: a peace­ful re­treat above the live­ly streets. Lounge by the sparkling pool and soak in stun­ning panoram­ic city views. The hotel's prime lo­ca­tion means you

are just a stone's throw from Barcelon­a's fa­mous land­marks and live­ly neigh­bor­hoods. En­joy the re­fined am­biance of Cat­alo­nia Castell­nou's rooms, care­ful­ly de­signed with your com­fort in mind. Let the con­ta­gious en­er­gy of Barcelona en­chant you as you en­joy the ho­tel’s ded­i­cat­ed ser­vice and cre­ate un­for­get­table mem­o­ries in this cap­ti­vat­ing city.
