
Ho­tel Art­madams


Art lovers, take note: Ho­tel Art­madams, just steps from Pal­ma's his­tor­i­cal cen­ter, is a must-vis­it. This unique ho­tel seam­less­ly blends artis­tic in­spi­ra­tion with a lux­u­ri­ous, re­lax­ing at­mos­phere. From the mo­ment you en­ter the lob­by, cu­rat­ed art­work greets you, set­ting the stage for a tru­ly im­mer­sive ex­pe­ri­ence. Af­ter a day ex­plor­ing the city's cap­ti­vat­ing streets and land­marks, the hotel's rooftop ter­race in­vites you to un­wind. Take a dip in the

invit­ing swim­ming pool while en­joy­ing breath­tak­ing views of Pal­ma, or sim­ply un­wind on a sun lounger with a re­fresh­ing drink. Seek­ing deep­er re­ju­ve­na­tion? The hotel's spa of­fers a tran­quil re­treat. In­dulge in a sooth­ing mas­sage or treat­ment, leav­ing you re­freshed and ready to con­tin­ue your artis­tic ex­plo­ration. For the best rates, book through their of­fi­cial web­site – ex­pe­ri­enc­ing this styl­ish and in­spir­ing ho­tel does­n't have to break the bank.
