Hostal Balko­nis


Hostal Balko­nis, a breath of fresh air in Barcelon­a's Eix­am­ple dis­trict, is a mod­ern trav­el­er's dream. For­get cook­ie-cut­ter ho­tels – each room here feels tai­lor-made for small groups, of­fer­ing a styl­ish haven to recharge af­ter days spent ex­plor­ing. And speak­ing of ex­plor­ing, the lo­ca­tion is un­beat­able. Step­ping out the door, you're in­stant­ly amidst the city's unique en­er­gy, free to wan­der down charm­ing side streets or hop on the metro to icon­ic land­marks. Whether you're a sea­soned Gaudí en­thu­si­ast or a first-time tapas taster, Hostal Balko­nis pro­vides the per­fect launch­pad for your Barcelona ad­ven­ture.
