poke bar

Honi Poke - Hawai­ian Poke Bowl Restau­rant


In Feb­ru­ary 2017, we in­au­gu­rat­ed our very first Poké Shop sit­u­at­ed at 82 Dean Street. From there, our brand, Honi Poké, has flour­ished, and we now have a fleet of 15 lo­ca­tions in Bris­tol, Lon­don, and Man­ches­ter. The Poké craze has swept the world, from Hawaii to New York, and we are thrilled to be at the fore­front of bring­ing this trend to the UK. Our Poké bowls are a de­lec­table amal­ga­ma­tion

of nu­tri­ent-packed sal­ads and in­dul­gent op­tions, mak­ing it a whole­some meal. Every dish is brim­ming with pro­tein and in­cred­i­ble fla­vors, pro­vid­ing our cus­tomers with the chance to cus­tomize their meal to their tastes. Our fish se­lec­tion is of su­pe­ri­or qual­i­ty, and we of­fer a wide range of ve­g­an al­ter­na­tives. Our sauces and top­pings are the ic­ing on the cake, mak­ing our din­ing ex­pe­ri­ence one of the best in town, worth every pen­ny.

Price point
Opening hours
Saturday11:00 - 21:30Sunday11:00 - 21:30Monday11:00 - 21:30Tuesday11:00 - 21:30Wednesday11:00 - 21:30Thursday11:00 - 21:30Friday11:00 - 21:30