
Hong Kong Mar­itime Mu­se­um


Step into the Hong Kong Mar­itime Mu­se­um, a trea­sure trove of mar­itime his­to­ry nes­tled with­in the walls of the for­mer Mur­ray House, a de­clared mon­u­ment. The mu­se­um's cap­ti­vat­ing ex­hibits take you on a jour­ney through Hong Kong's rich mar­itime past, show­cas­ing the city's evo­lu­tion into a glob­al ship­ping hub. Ex­plore in­ter­ac­tive dis­plays, wit­ness cap­ti­vat­ing mul­ti­me­dia pre­sen­ta­tions, and mar­vel at his­toric ar­ti­facts that bring Hong Kong's mar­itime her­itage to life.

From tra­di­tion­al Chi­nese junks to mod­ern-day car­go ships, the mu­se­um show­cas­es the di­verse ves­sels that have shaped the city's mar­itime his­to­ry. Don't miss the mu­se­um's spe­cial ex­hi­bi­tions, which delve into spe­cif­ic as­pects of Hong Kong's mar­itime her­itage, such as ship­build­ing, trade, and pira­cy. The mu­se­um also of­fers ed­u­ca­tion­al pro­grams and ac­tiv­i­ties, mak­ing it an ide­al des­ti­na­tion for fam­i­lies and school groups to learn about Hong Kong's mar­itime past and present.

Opening hours
Monday09:30 - 17:30Tuesday09:30 - 17:30Wednesday09:30 - 17:30Thursday09:30 - 17:30Friday09:30 - 17:30Saturday10:00 - 19:00Sunday10:00 - 19:00