mexican restaurant

Homies On Don­keys


For­get trekking south of the bor­der, Homies on Don­keys brings the fi­es­ta straight to your plate right here in Lon­don. This Mex­i­can eatery is pas­sion­ate about serv­ing up mouth­wa­ter­ing tacos made with the fresh­est in­gre­di­ents around. Whether you’re a com­mit­ted car­ni­vore or a de­vot­ed veg­e­tar­i­an, Homies on Don­keys’ menu is packed with choic­es that are sure to sat­is­fy your crav­ings. Our re­cent vis­it left us hap­py, full, and al­ready plan­ning a re­turn trip – we sug­gest you do the same!
