


Hö­galidsparken is a must for any Stock­holm itin­er­ary. The panoram­ic view from the top, with its cityscape and ar­chi­tec­tur­al land­marks jux­ta­posed against the shim­mer­ing wa­ter be­low, is tru­ly mem­o­rable. I found a qui­et cor­ner on a shad­ed bench, an ide­al spot to re­lax and soak up the scenery. A feel­ing of tran­quil­i­ty washed over the park as lo­cals am­bled along the paths. Gath­er­ings of friends en­joyed spon­ta­neous lunch­es on the grassy slopes, and the joy­ous sounds of chil­dren play­ing echoed through the air. It felt like dis­cov­er­ing a se­cret gem, a tran­quil re­treat from the live­ly city.
