


Copen­hagen's en­chant­i­ng Him­meriget tru­ly lives up to its name, which means "King­dom of Heav­en." The at­mos­phere im­me­di­ate­ly whisks you away to a place where art and na­ture in­ter­twine. In­trigu­ing sculp­tures and mu­rals, mir­ror­ing the city's artis­tic en­er­gy, adorn the walls. The tran­quil sounds of the ad­ja­cent stream and the soft whis­per of leaves cre­ate a sense of calm as you un­cov­er this con­cealed re­treat. Him­meriget is a true ur­ban oa­sis with­in the live­ly city, of­fer­ing a space to es­cape the or­di­nary and find your­self im­mersed in peace.

Price point
Opening hours
Tuesday15:00 - 02:00Thursday15:00 - 02:00Saturday15:00 - 03:00Sunday15:00 - 12:00MondayClosedWednesday15:00 - 02:00Friday15:00 - 03:00