art gallery

Hauser & Wirth


Hauser & Wirth of­fers a breath of fresh air amidst the dy­nam­ic en­er­gy of the Los An­ge­les Arts Dis­trict. This renowned con­tem­po­rary art gallery wel­comes you with high ceil­ings and ex­pan­sive win­dows that bathe the space in nat­ur­al light. Pre­pare to be cap­ti­vat­ed by the gallery's ever-ro­tat­ing ex­hi­bi­tions, fea­tur­ing a di­verse se­lec­tion of ground­break­ing artists. From thought-pro­vok­ing

paint­ings and sculp­tures to im­mer­sive in­stal­la­tions, each piece chal­lenges per­spec­tives and sparks cre­ativ­i­ty. The knowl­edge­able staff is hap­py to pro­vide con­text and in­sights into the art­work's sig­nif­i­cance. Whether you're a sea­soned art en­thu­si­ast, a cu­ri­ous trav­el­er, or sim­ply look­ing for a mo­ment of peace, Hauser & Wirth Los An­ge­les is an ex­pe­ri­ence not to be missed.

Opening hours
Tuesday11:00 - 18:00Wednesday11:00 - 18:00Friday11:00 - 18:00MondayClosedThursday11:00 - 18:00Saturday11:00 - 18:00Sunday11:00 - 18:00